Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tom && Carly | Engagement Love Story

Who appreciates BIG hearts, genuine laughter, kind souls? Me too. Then you will love Tom && Carly. For sure.
These two. Made me and my camera so happy. It was a pleasure to photograph them. 
This shoot was an effortless combination of light, beauty, and ease.
Their wedding? November! Cannot wait.
Tom && Carly. Thank-you! You guys are awesomeness. Truly. :-)

Tom && Carly's Love Story goes a little something like this:

"Tom and I were high school sweethearts. Some people wait a lifetime to find that one person God made just for them, but luckily we didn't have to. I was just a freshman and he was a junior when we first started dating so you could say we have been to our fare-share of proms. As my mama says, he wrapped his big arms around me and hasn't let go since. After almost five years together, he finally decided to pop the question. It was Christmas Eve of 2012 and every year I always meet him at his house so we can exchange each other’s presents. That year I had been eyeing a new jacket and had hinted it to Tom more than a few times. Once I had gotten to his house he handed me my present. It was the jacket I had been wanting and I was so excited. I tossed it every which way examining it. I could tell that it was making him a little nervous from what I was doing. He leaned over and unzipped it and there it was! This gorgeous ring tied neatly to the tag. I was in shock! I couldn’t even untie it because my hands were shaking so bad. Of course I said yes! We have been through so much together! I couldn’t imagine growing old with anyone other than my best friend. I think we both knew early on in our relationship that nothing else could compare to what we had. I love him more and more every day and can’t to see what the future has in store for us!"
 - Carly

Guys, Meet Tom && Carly!



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