I am back from my whirlwind of a trip. I wanted to stay longer, but work comes first. I have several sessions lined up this week. I am currently returning calls, texts, emails.
I had a wonderful time visiting with my sweet family. I also got to visit with my Mama. The area where she was laid to rest is so beautiful. She is buried close to my Great Grandmother, Clara and Great Uncle David. The fence line had green vines crawling across and big trees nearby had moss hanging from them. She is right on the fence line, and on the other side of the fence is a pasture and bails of hay were lined up the fence line. I always get a sense of peace when I visit. Here is a few snapshots from my iphone.
from my iphone.
There are several things going on at Lorianna Photography! :) Instead of blowing up your news feed on Facebook, I figured I would post information here instead.
1) July Summer Mini Sessions
This weekend is the last weekend of the July Summer Mini Sessions! $50 for a 20min session and you will receive 5 edited images on a disc with a print release. It is not to late to book. Call/Text 903-748-4652, Email mandi.ragland@yahoo.com. Thanks to everyone who has already participated.
2) August Back to School Mini Sessions
I am planning on having an August Back to School Mini Session for one day only. This can be used for any school aged child. Its just a non-traditional way to have some fun photos to remember the moment. It is especially special to us moms who have children beginning Pre-K or Kindergarten! Price will be $30. If I have enough people interested, I will set a date for this event. Let me hear from you! Call/Text 903-748-4652, Email mandi.ragland@yahoo.com
3) Fall Family Mini Sessions
It is very early, but in a photography world, Fall is one of the busiest times of the year. I have had people book this time a year in advance. It is an Art in itself to try to plan your whole life a year in advance. Anywhodle, I decided to go ahead and plan the Fall Family Mini Session in advance. I am currently booking and have had a great turnout. I will get with each family closer to time to iron out times and such. If you would like to just go ahead and put your name on my list please Call/Text 903-748-4652, Email mandi.ragland@yahoo.com.
4) Senior Rep Program
I am currently on the search for 2 Seniors for my Senior Rep Program. I am looking for one boy and one girl from Maud High School. (Why Maud?? It is my hometown. I am trying to help my own little community) If selected you will get a FREE Senior Session! The are some rules && restrictions Blah, blah, blah but if you are interested in being selected please Call/Text 903-748-4652, Email mandi.ragland@yahoo.com for more information.
Have a crazy wonderful Monday!